Integrate your
Microsoft Dynamics CRM
with HubSpot.

MS Dynamics presents an integration dilemma. While it’s too complex to have a pre-packaged integration with HubSpot,it’s not complex enough so that people don’t try. Generally, any business has more custom work done on their ERP side than on the CRM side. As they say, the devil is in the details.

Getting Started

At Periti what we often see with MS Dynamics integrations is, even though sometimes the marketplace connectors are sufficient to create synchronization for some of the master data (e.g. companies, contacts, etc…), there is always some need for custom integration.. Often there is a package, a set of custom rules that were put in place, or a custom object in the middle of the process. And that piece is now fully ingrained in the business, it’s a part of how things work, and to get it to correctly with HubSpot requires custom integration work. Fortunately, our MS Dynamics experts specialize in complex and custom integrations.

Here are some  examples of reasons going custom is sometimes required:

Price Lists

Using Price Lists in dynamics and wanting to pull in accurate pricing for a specific deal based on customer characteristics.

Dynamic drop-down values

A dropdown with dynamic values has to be synchronized from Dynamics to HubSpot.


Direct and indirect associations between core and custom objects.

The important thing is that processes on both systems are well understood and that the data flows that need to occur are clearly defined. Once that’s done, technical integration—what can be used from the marketplace connector and what needs to be custom—will fall in place almost naturally!

At Periti we have done several of HubSpot <-> Dynamics CRM integrations across varied industries.

Contact us to request a case study or have a free consultation call.